Modern Slavery

This modern slavery statement details the approach and steps B & H Care is taking and will continue to take as a business to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking that is taking place within our business and our supply chains.
Modern slavery is a crime and violates the rights of individuals rights and can include human trafficking, slavery, servitude, compulsory and forced labour and other forms of exploitations. We have a responsibility to our stakeholders, our staff and service users to adhere to ethical principles and to acting with transparency and integrity in our business. As a business, we have zero tolerance to rights violations and slavery across our business and supply chains.
We are fully committed to the principles set out in the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We are committed to procuring services and goods in an ethical manner that is sustainable and we will make all efforts to safeguard against modern slavery and human rights abuses within our operations. This statement applies to all those employed by B &H Care in whatever capacity including directors, employees, agency workers, contractors and business partners,
B & H Care has in place a robust recruitment policy, is an equal opportunity employer and undertakes thorough checks to ensure the eligibility of staff to work in the UK and also undertakes other related employment checks. We ensure that all staff are not being exploited, are properly renumerated, that their employment terms are fair and meet all statutory requirements, that they are safeguarded against exploitation and that health and safety, employment laws and human rights are being adhered to. We make certain that staff have equal access to training and development opportunities.

B & H Care will ensure that staff understand the risk of modern slavery in our business and supply chains and how this can violate human rights. Staff will be trained to understand the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in the business and supply chains.
Guiding policies
We are also guided by various policies to make certain that modern slavery and human trafficking are not occurring in any part of our business. Some of the documents and policies we are guided by include a recruitment policy, an equal opportunities policy, a whistle blowing policy, good governance policy and employee code of conduct Our whistleblowing policy is given to all employees and encourages them to raise the alarm if they are concerned about our business practices. In our staff induction, staff are given advice and information about modern slavery and human trafficking.

Due diligence processes
As part of B & H Care initiatives to identify and mitigate risk, we as a business will work with our staff, stakeholders including our supplies to ensure that they have taken reasonable measures to comply with the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Act. We have a robust due diligent process and risk assessment when we take on suppliers and contractors
Breach of the policy
Where there is a breach of this policy by a B & H Care employee, they will face disciplinary action and or including dismissal for misconduct. As a business we will cease business relationships with contractors or suppliers who are in breach of this policy.

B&H Care is an independent care agency based in Ipswich, but covering the whole of East Anglia. We deliver a wide range of health care support staff who can provide care services for a diverse range of service users